The My Records feature is a convenient and highly useful online learning wallet for users of the Online Learning System.

This feature has three main sections:

  1. Course Transcripts
    Any course that the training location marks as completed via the Training Management System will automatically populate for the students, providing them access to their transcripts.
  2. Qualifications
    The training location can upload qualifications for users via the Training Management System. These qualifications are considered approved/verified by the training location. These could be local certifications provided at the training facility, etc.
  3. Other Credentials
    Other credentials are those that the student uploads. They can be anything from a local certificate, their state license, etc. It is any document that the user would like to store in the learning wallet.


The true functionality of this feature, beyond being able to access these records on the fly, is the ability to share them. Users have the ability to mark items for sharing, select the email of the person they would like to share with, and put an expiration of the shareable link.

This is highly useful for users to prove their credentials on the fly.

Users ability to access the My Records area does not require a subscription to the LMS. Users can access their learning records by downloading the PTSI Mobile app and entering their LMS credentials there.

The My Records area is both web and mobile accessible. It is accessed from the main menu on the LMS or by downloading the PTSI Mobile application.


To inquire about getting the My Learning Records System for your organization or training facility, fill out the form below and we will get in contact with you.

First name

Last name





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